

以前在泰国清迈,晚上十点多在夜市吃宵夜,旁边桌坐了三个欧美背包客(应该是欧洲人因为看他们写英文很怪异),然后一只瘦小可爱的比特冲着我吠叫,我一脚就把他踢飞了! (本人170,65kg,健身爱好者,空手道黑带,泰拳课经常拿沙袋练手)

后来那三个欧美人对着我就开始骂,老子用流利的英语回击的时候,其中一个人居然拿出了一把刀,对我说“I am going to cut your fuckin’ face!” (老娘先剁了你的嘴) 我也直接拿起了桌上的啤酒瓶,指着他说“You touch me, you touch my friend, you will be the last person who ever touches us. You understand? We live in a free country and I can beat the living fuck out of anyone I want with no consequences”“你碰我,你碰我的朋友,你是最后一个碰我们的人。你明白吗?我们生活在自由的国家,我可以随便打任何人,没有任何后果”  其中一个看起来比较文明的人拉住了要动手的同伴,对她说“Calm down, we are here to enjoy our life. Why do we need to create problems for ourselves?”

结果这个女的一听到这话,更急了“I don’t care! This is not my fucking country! My friends here are very nice but this kind of shit happens all the time. Everyone know that Asians are weak and everyone can just step over them. I am so tired of it! Fuck Asia! Fuck the world!今天晚上我就要去酒吧喝得烂醉如泥!我他妈才不想看到明天早上报纸上又有多少亚洲人被杀!”  看着她急眼了我就笑了,收起瓶子,对她比划了几下“Do you really think an Asian girl like you could beat a European man like me? Go ahead, try!”

她可能以为我是怂包,不敢动她,于是更加嚣张“I don’t give a shit about this guy. He is nothing. You are nothing. Your whole culture is nothing. I am going to kill myself tomorrow because there is nothing good about life. But while I still have the chance, I am going to kick your motherfucking ass!"[我才不会在乎这家伙。他算老几。你们全是废物。你们的整个文化都是废话。我明天就要自杀了,因为生命毫无意义。但我还有机会,我要踢爆你的蛋!]

我直接一巴掌把她刚刚举起来的酒瓶打掉了“It seems like you need to learn some manners. What did you call me? A girl? You think I am playing around? Let me show you what an Asian girl can do.”

